Remember When Freddy Was Scary?

I honestly don’t remember my first time watching any of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, but I’m pretty sure my cousin introduced me to it when we were little kids, probably between 6 and 8 years old. My mom, though, did not like the idea at first, probably thinking it was dumb when she watched a “Freddy movie” for the first time. She went to sleep that night after she watched the film, and dreamed of sugar plums and fairies, and oh look, along comes nightmare man, Freddy Krueger. So she tells herself, Freddy’s not real, this is just a dream. But when she remembered that not only is that how he gets you, but that’s also what everyone in the movies thought in similar situations, that’s when he got her. And she woke up terrified, and from that day forward, she loved Freddy Krueger.
Does anyone else remember when Freddy was that scary? In my opinion, the first two films in the series are actually the scariest. Observe the scenario of the first one: You have this terrifying little burned man with razor-sharp fingers chasing you through a dreamland that he controls. He can kill you at any time, but he’s basically torturing you because he’s a twisted psychopath. No one believes you though, do they? No they don’t, because you sound like a crazy person. So you alone have to destroy him, watching your friends and family die around you because they won’t accept the truth and help you. And let’s say that, just for good measure, your significant other gets sucked into their bed and more blood than can possibly exist in one human body erupts from the hole from whence they disappeared. Good times.
The second one was pretty unintentionally blatantly homoerotic (look it up), but it’s still one of my favorites. The idea of Freddy taking over someone else’s life to the point where he can control what that person does without that person having any clear memory of it…well, it’s not such a pretty thought. How is it that he got that ability? Is it because he killed almost all the children of the people he was looking to get revenge on, and that somehow increased his ability in a way like never before and never again? I have so many questions.
What Happened With the Remake?
I don’t know if some of you have noticed or not, but there seems to be this trend of some Hollywood films releasing early trailers that feature footage that is later not seen in the final version of the films, or what I like to call “cheap and dirty trickery.” Unfortunately, Platinum Dunes’ remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street in 2010 turned out to be one of these films, and it pains me to no end. It’s not just that, but when you read a script and it has so many amazing things in it that just get changed or taken out completely, I feel it’s pretty frustrating. Just as a “for instance,” there was a moment in the script for 2010’s A Nightmare on Elm Street where Nancy mentions to Quentin that she was supposed to go to Crystal Lake with a bunch of friends the previous summer, but she ended up not going and they went missing. How awesome a reference would that have been to the 2009 Platinum Dunes remake of Friday the 13th? Tomfoolery, I say!
Here’s the bottom line with the remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street: The movie simply isn’t that good. The characters look and act like cookie-cutter cutouts of characters ripped from the CW, the dialogue is just foolish, and they pretty much spoil what could have been a nice and maybe interesting twist on the Freddy Krueger legend. I will say that I had no problem with Jackie Earle Haley as Freddy. He pulled it off, despite the crappy lines he was given from a crappy script. That couldn’t have been easy. It wasn’t all bad though; there were a couple of parts and references to past Freddy films that I enjoyed, and there was quite a bit of blood in it.

1, 2, Freddy’s Coming For You
Freddy will come back one day, I’m sure of it. However, I don’t think Platinum Dunes will be the ones to resurrect him, seeing as how they have a poor track record with those horror movie remakes. Still, there has to be someone out there who knows how to make Freddy scary again, unlike the parody of himself he became after the third entry. But you know, even at his worst, Freddy was still the best (in my opinion), because he never gave up hope, and neither should you. Speak up loud and support the return of the king of evil, Freddy Krueger.
If you want to see some true evil, however, you need to look at the horrifying things I have in store for you. Your nightmares are going to have nightmares when you lay eyes on our selection of Freddy Krueger costumes, Jason Voorhees costumes, and…trust me, you’ll want to take a look for yourself. Take advantage while you can, because this stuff is sure to be a hit for any costumed affair.

Freddy Creature Reacher Costume

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