Another “Reboot” of Friday the 13th On Its Way?

by Chris Vegvary

Undead serial killer Jason Voorhees; no matter how many times you kill him, he just keeps coming back to destroy. Starting his killing spree in the 1980’s, we first knew Jason Voorhees as a deformed little boy who drowned at Camp Crystal Lake when the camp counselors were busy sex-ifying one another, and his mother, Pamela, went insane and began to kill all those she felt was responsible, including people who had nothing to do with it. After Pamela was beheaded by one of her would-be victims, Jason Voorhees returns as an adult, having not actually drowned as a child, but most likely hiding out in the woods after witnessing the death of his mother, kills the woman responsible, and returns to Camp Crystal Lake where he waits to punish any teenagers that come by.

Since then, Jason Voorhees has been defeated, killed, raised from the dead as a hulking zombie, killed more, went to Hell, fought fellow psychopath and manipulative dream demon Freddy Krueger, and even went to space. Not many serial killers, fictional or not, get to live that kind of (after)life. In 2009, Platinum Dunes remade Friday the13th, and in my opinion, it was a great movie. The opening of the film was the end of the original film, and then the rest of the movie is a combination of the first four movies in the original series, mixed with some of the best kills from throughout the franchise’s history. Talk about fan service. But unfortunately, the public didn’t love it, and there’s been no activity since except for a few rumors floating around that there may be a sequel.

Now, instead of a sequel, they’ve decided to go ahead and remake the film yet again. As if this isn’t bad enough, there’s talk of it being a “found footage” film, in the vein of movies like The Blair Witch Project. What? Really, Hollywood? You can’t ever just leave anything alone, can you? I’ll never understand why they don’t pursue licenses to any of the great horror characters, like Michael Myers or Leatherface, and pit them all against each other. Instead, they’re going to take a film that has been remade once already recently after ten successful films and a crossover, and remake it again. Why did plans fall through on a sequel to 2009’s remake? Was it really that terrible that people would rather see a brand new version of Jason (again) as seen through the eyes of a group of obnoxious teenagers holding cameras and shaking them around enough to induce motion sickness in quite a lot of viewers? Well, if that’s what you wanted (or even if it’s not), it appears you’ll be getting it sometime around March 2015, most likely on a Friday the 13th. Now, if you like Jason and all things Friday the 13th, then don't forget to follow the links embedded throughout the article to see some of the great stuff we have available for you.

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